If you are thinking about acquiring a home, or making any major purchase for that matter, credit is key. Know your credit score; know what's on your credit file. State and Federal laws allow you to request your credit report once a year for FREE from the "big three" credit reporting agencies - Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Do not wait until you are ready to make that home purchase; sitting in front of your mortgage broker to get pre-qualified only to hear that your scores are so low, you can't even buy a bicycle.
Credit is key, pay attention to your credit and your credit history; otherwise you could pay a much higher price later.
As an example, new FHA guidelines require a new borrower with a 580 credit score to make only 3.5% down payment on their home purchase, on the other hand, a score below 580 will require down payment of at least 10%. Wouldn't you rather pay the 3.5%?
So paying attention and taking care of that credit definitely makes good sense, after all in this culture, without doubt credit is power.