This is a great time to buy a home if you are in the market. The Housing market is down, interest rates are at an all time low, and you might just be able to afford that dream house you’ve been wanting for so long; but before you jump in, there are resources that are available to you that you might want to seek out.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website at www.hud.gov have a wide array of topics pertinent to buying a home and will answer many of the common questions new home buyers have.
They go through the steps to be taken on making such a large commitment.
Here are some of the points they cover:
a) How much can you afford
b) House shopping
c) Home buying programs
d) Your rights
e) Shopping for a loan
f) Home inspection
g) Making an offer
h) Homeowners insurance
i) Signing papers
Remember you can't have too much information to assist you in making an informed decision. Happy shopping.