I have been thinking; with the unemployment rate at an all time high are employers really getting their money's worth?
Looking through the classifieds and speaking to professionals one is left to wonder are employers choosing wisely? I can understand that some employers might see this as a great time for filling positions due to the economic downturn and the sea of choices available, but are they filling those positions with quality professionals or are they being filled by those with less to offer an employer as they are too distracted looking for a bargain?
I was speaking to a former colleague with tons of experience in her field, she was expressing how frustrating it was going to interviews only to be low-balled and told, "we have a lot to choose from."
When I started
Bee Bolder I was asked the question... "How can you compete with those offering their services for dirt cheap?" My answer to that was, "I do not see them as my competition because sooner rather than later they'll get what they pay for." So this is where we are today with the economy in the tank, employers are thinking that "Yes, I can get away with filling vacant positions by paying well below market" but experience shows there is no credible substitute for experience and quality.
Do not get caught in this trap of substituting what you know is right. Let me share an experience with you. I was told there was a great new grocery store that just opened and the prices were just unbelievable so I went to check it out.
I picked up some everyday items that I thought would be okay to try for quality (yes, I am always thinking about quality) granola bars, yogurt, and dried prunes were just some of the items I picked out. I got home unpacked my bags and was ready to relax so I grabbed one of the granola bars from the packet of 6 only to bite into a stale and awful tasting granola; the yogurt was no better, it tasted like glue, I thought this could not possibly be happening so I went to grab my box of prunes; oh those prunes, what could go wrong....I reached for them and my son yelled "hold up mom! the sell by date has passed." What! is this for real.
I can tell you that in this case
a penny saved was not a penny earned. That was my last visit.
So for employers out there thinking that they are getting those positions filled at a bargain, think clearly and wisely. You cannot substitute quality.
Give us a
call today and let us help you. Remember, no overheads, no payroll taxes, no long term contracts and you get quality professionals with experience.
Why substitute?